Bone sourcing and processing:


All bones used within our business are ethically sourced, through independent foraging or trusted sources. Our bones are found all over the UK in wooded areas, forests, moors and wetlands, the most common animals found being sheep, deer, rabbit and fox.

If you are interested in a specific type of bone/animal not currently listed, please send us an email and we'll be happy to assist you.


All of our bones are cleaned to the best of our availability, however the period of time it has remained in the outdoors can sometimes affect the colour of the bone, so please expect a slight variation in colouration from time to time. 

Through the degreasing process and soaking in hydrogen peroxide, all bacteria is killed and the bone is whitened and cleaned effectively.


Butterfly/moth sourcing:

All of our specimens are obtained from different sustainable entomological suppliers in the UK, with captive bred specimens. No butterfly is ever taken from the wild. We use specimens of a range of different conditions, usually with natural wear/ damage including imperfections to the wings, missing antennae etc. This is to ensure we can keep our prices more affordable. This will be included in the listing as well as photos.



Caring for your piece:

Butterflies and moths can have different reactions to different environments so please see some helpful advice below to help preserve your piece:

Sunlight: Please do not display your piece somewhere with direct sunlight, this can cause the colours of your specimen to quickly fade and reduce the quality of your specimen.

Humidity: Please do not display your piece in overly humid areas, for example the bathroom. This can cause unwanted moisture inside the frame/dome therefore encouraging mould to form on your specimen/dried flowers

Heat: Please do not display your piece in an area of overly high temperature (e.g. on a radiator cover), as this can cause quick fading of colour and quality of your specimen which can also lead to it disintegrating. 

Outdoors: Please only display your pieces indoors. The change in temperature and weather conditions can again cause mould to form within your piece, fading and discolouration of your specimens etc.



Please message us at thevulturescousin@outlook.com with your ideas and we would love to work with you to achieve your dream piece!